HAPPY NEW YEAR – The Journey through 2020

We made it! Phew!

2020 was a rough one and I think we’re all glad to see it behind us. However, 2020 was also our 1st year in operation and we learned a lot! Some stresses, lots of positivity and great feedback that helped us improve and be better all the time.

When I think back to a year ago, The Craft Beef Co was just a thought. A hope. A vision of what we wanted to accomplish. This time last year, we had just filed our incorporation documents… wrong, I might add. We had to go back and correct them. But we had a purpose. We had excited farms on board. We had papers… that was it.

Now, a year later, I look back at everything that’s happened since then. The unexpected start of a pandemic before our website had even launched. The fear of not being able to get our Green Cell Foam across the border with the impending closures. Wondering how our website would eventually turn out and the struggles of getting it to where it is now. The discovery that “If You Build It, They Will Come” only works when people know about you but how do you get them to know about you?? People aren’t where they used to be. For example, we couldn’t run radio ads on the morning show because people simply weren’t in their vehicles driving to work anymore. The challenges of getting cattle into our processor when everything was shut down and facing possible shortages before we really even begun.

And, now, a year later….

What a different world it is today vs a year ago.

My hopes for 2021 – I hope the pandemic is over soon and we can resume relatively normal business and life activities. I hope we can all see our friends and loved ones in person, without masks and entertain again. I hope we can have people in our homes and share a beautiful dinner with local, healthy ingredients. I hope our business keeps growing.

Most of all, I want to thank all of you for support as we launched this crazy journey through 2020. To all of our customers, Thank You for giving us a shot and inviting these great meals into your homes. Thank You to our farmers and ranchers for trusting us with your products. You took great care and pride in raising those animals and we are grateful for your hard work and attentive care.

If you tried us, followed us on social media or shared us with your friends and family – THANK YOU!

We truly appreciate all of you.

Cheers to a great 2021!


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We are working hard to open up more provinces! If you live outside of our available areas sign-up to get notified as soon as your province becomes available!